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Half a million people will gather together on the eve of Rosh HaShanah and recite together the Tikkun HaKlali prayer, according to the order of Psalms that Rebbe Nachman of Breslov set up. Heads of the event committee met with Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky (one of the greatest sages of our times) who blessed them: “May you have bracha (blessings) and hatzlacha (success) in all of your work.
This great gathering will take place on Sept. 28 at Mid Day in Israel and Uman where an expected half a million people will recite the 10 Psalms together. The order of the Psalms is: 16, 32, 41, 42, 59, 77, 90, 105, 137, and 150 (Download Hebrew Version)
The entire Uman Pilgrimage and the Tikkun HaKlali will be broadcasted live, click here to watch.