Pharaoh just sent the Jews and he is already chasing them. What is going on?
He regretted it and chased after them. The Jews were cornered from all the sides. What to do in such a scenario?
The Midrash brings the famous analogy of the dove trapped in a cave/crevice with a snake inside and outside is the eagle – all trying to consume him. What did the dove do? Cry out to it’s owner. So too, the Jews – trapped on all corners – you must cry out to Hashem.
And what did Hashem do? The unexpected solution – splitting the Red Sea.
No body thought of jumping into the sea – accept for Nachshon ben Avinadav.
This shows that to fulfill Hashem’s will – you must at times jump in.
The test of the Manna at the end of the Parsha – another test of life.
Nothing is impossible for Hashem.
But what can I do when things seem impossible to me? You must SCREAM!!!!
Scream out to Hashem – there are so many things to pray for.
You may feel overwhelmed, but still cry out to Hashem.
Thanking Hashem to see the “impossible” miracles of splitting of the Red Sea every day – the daily miracles that we go through, even though they seemed impossible.
Everything can become a reality – by crying out to Hashem.