“An everlasting name I will give him, which will not be discontinued,” 

(Yeshayahu, 56:5).

This is a personal message of a nature that we’ve never sent out before. We respectfully request that you give it your close, focused attention.

With thanks to Hashem, our project to reprint and reformat The Fiftieth Gate, the English translation of Reb Noson’s prayers, based on Rebbe Nachman’s teachings, is nearing completion. This is a monumental undertaking, involving a complete overhaul of the material, layout, formatting, in a way that was never done before in any language. We began the work last July and are proud to report that we’re in the final stages. In fact, we hope to go to print in the coming month!

We’re also delighted to announce that we’ve enriched the original project with the addition of the book Tefilot V’Tachanunim (Prayers and Supplications) by Rabbi Nachman of Tcherin, z”l. This hidden gem was never published before, and now it will be presented as an addendum to The Fiftieth Gate. 

When looking at today’s Jewish bookshelf, it’s impossible to ignore the striking Shottenstein editions of Talmud Bavli and Yerushalmi, the Reisman editions of Mishnayot and Chumash, and many others, all sponsored by forward-thinking philanthropists who had the vision to invest in the right place at the right time.

Now, you can too! The reprinted, revamped edition of The Fiftieth Gate will soon be taking its rightful place among the Jewish classics. This landmark work is suitable for every situation and every occasion, similar to King David’s book of Tehillim. Reb Noson himself said that his prayers are derived from the level above Divine inspiration.

Think of those who invested in various other landmark projects – they make no secret of how happy and proud they are of their achievement. Don’t you want to follow their example?

likutei tfilot inside

King Shlomo, the wisest of all men, wrote (Ecclesiastes 7:28), “One man out of a thousand did I find.” We believe that out of our thousands of subscribers, we will find those outstanding individuals who will earn this merit!

Don’t miss this chance!

Grab your opportunity to acquire eternal merit by purchasing the rights to the name of the edition or by becoming the first-edition patron. We’re looking for one individual who is prepared to take the plunge with mesirut nefesh and acquire the name of the edition for the amount of $72,000; and another who will underwrite the cost of the first printing, estimated at around $42,000. Both can be spread out over 20 monthly installments.

We’re talking about an impressive, beautifully designed, 4-volume set with over 900 pages per volume.

Choose one of the options for everlasting merit by purchasing the name of the edition or becoming the first-edition patron. Both options will be printed in all future editions, b’ezrat Hashem.

Enter the link(s) below and make the safest, wisest investment ever. Reb Noson wrote that those who support printing the tzaddik’s books earn the appellation, “He who does tzedakah at all times,” because as soon as the words are printed, “they are engraved in gold, for eternity” (Likutey Halachot, Hilchot Birkot HaShachar, 5:35).

To merit becoming the exclusive, one and only Edition Patron with rights to the name, click HERE

To merit becoming the exclusive, one and only, First-Edition Printing Patron, click HERE

A point to ponder: Even if you personally aren’t in a position to accept this extraordinary privilege but you know the right person who is, and you are able to get him on board, you both earn this everlasting zechut!

For all the information and details, please contact:

Zvi Kramer; the Breslov Research Institute

[email protected] or by WhatsApp: +972-53-315-8007