It’s close to a decade since we at BRI have been marking Reb Noson’s yahrtzeit across the United States.
The dark and dreary winter season is the perfect time to light up the gloominess of the Exile. Reb Noson passed away while murmuring the words, “chanun haMarbeh lislo’ach, the gracious One Who forgives abundantly” — the numerical value of which equals “Noson.” Indeed, he gives hope that in the merit of the true tzaddikim, all will reach rectification and teshuvah.
On the days of Mashiach it says: “And the light of the moon will be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun will be seventy times the light of the Seven Days.” Rashi comments here that the light of the sun will be multiplied by seven times seven squared, meaning by 343! My father Rabbi Chaim Kramer says that when we merit to believe and to see the light of the moon, which alludes to Reb Noson, transform into the light of the sun, then the light of the sun, which is the holy Rebbe Nachman, will become seventy (or 343!) times as brilliant. In other words, the Rebbe’s power will spread across the entire world illuminating every single space – and that’s what Reb Noson wants.
We are pleased to invite you to several events taking place this coming week where we will gain chizuk and get an inkling of the special power of Rebbe Nachman and draw it upon ourselves for the entire year.
Looking forward to seeing you!
Zvi Kramer