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About Breslov

by breslov.org

Breslov is the name of the town in the Ukraine where Rebbe Nachman spent most of the last eight years of his life. It has given its name to the Chassidic movement he founded. Breslov is sometimes transliterated as Bratzlav or Braclav, and should not be confused with Bratislava in Czechoslovakia or Breslau in Germany. Breslov is situated on the River Bug midway between Nemirov and Tulchin in what was the government of Podolia. It was usual for the Chassidic groups of Eastern Europe to take their name from the name of the town where their leader, the Rebbe, lived, and in most cases they have retained their original name even if most or all of the group, including the Rebbe, have relocated. When Rebbe Nachman first settled in Breslov in 1802, he said that his followers would always be known as Breslover Chassidim. This is so today even though Breslov is now a worldwide movement and there are no known Breslover Chassidim in the town of Breslov itself. The name Breslov has more than merely topographical significance. Rebbe Nachman once said that BReSLoV has the same letters as the Hebrew words LeV BaSaR, the `heart of flesh’ every Jew should have, as in the prophecy of Ezekiel (36:26): `I will take away your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.’

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