Age Reversal and Feeling Fantastic IS Gratitude in its Ultimate Form!

Who doesn’t want to grow younger? Here’s my number 1 tip of where to begin in order to reverse the aging process!

Who doesn’t want to grow younger? I mean, what could be better than enjoying the benefits of getting older, such as enhanced wisdom, deeper relationships, and financial stability, while also feeling and looking great? Before I let you in on my number 1 tip of where to begin in order to reverse the aging process, here’s some food for thought:

Taking care of your physical body is one of the greatest ways to show gratitude to your Creator. He gave you this vehicle in order for you to be able to perform mitzvas, do your soul corrections and live a Torah life in this world. Neglecting, abusing, or not taking proper care of this vehicle in any way shows a lack of respect and gratitude for life. So, with that in mind, please understand that age reversal is not just a matter of vanity.

Detoxifying is the number 1 way to reverse aging!

I work with women on a daily basis to help them reverse the adverse effects of aging, or more precisely put, of not taking proper care of their bodies for many years and then having it catch up with them after the age of 40. I almost always tell them to begin with a liquid or semi-liquid diet made up of freshly squeezed juices and smoothies, to wash away impacted mucus, undigested food residues and toxins.

Taking care of your physical body is one of the greatest ways to show gratitude to your Creator!

The reason I like to start with this, is because the above type of internal buildup lowers energy, leads to brain fog, makes a person more susceptible to disease, and will make you look older since it clogs up the lymphatic system. Because the lymphatic system resides right beneath the skin, when it is clogged it gives a person a more dull, grey and pasty appearance, while a clear and well-running lymphatic system lends a more fresh and radiant appearance.

Summertime is a great time to put the heavy foods aside and go high liquid. Benefits include getting your energy back, feeling vibrant, looking youthful and feeling the vitality running through out your system once again!

Summertime is a great time to put the heavy foods aside and go high liquid!

Summertime is a great time to put the heavy foods aside and go high liquid!

Hydrate with water.

Drink 32oz of freshly squeezed fruits and vegetables.

Drink smoothies made with mangoes, bananas, peaches, blueberries, almond butter and water or coconut water.

Sip on herbal teas.

Add probiotics and a detox tea to the mix.

While you’re at it, go outside and get some fresh air and sunshine.

Go to bed early.

Move your body for 30 minutes a day.

Get a massage.

Regaining your vitality and feeling fantastic IS gratitude in its ultimate form!

Getting healthy is very simple if you have the right information. I just let you in on how to start. Let’s go!