The first thing I do right after Chanukah is make my Dissolving Elixir. Health is a blessing that can take us to much higher levels!
How is everyone doing post Chanukah? I hope your Chanukah was filled with light, blessings, and fun! We had a lovely time at family and school parties, as well as at our Shabbos getaway to Jerusalem, where we davened at the Great Synagogue and went menorah sightseeing in the quaint neighborhood of Nachlaot. We also definitely had our share of festive food, including things that we basically never eat like Chanukah doughnuts, latkes, and creamy cakes.
Now that Chanukah is behind us, I am very excited to get back on track. It’s wonderful to be out of routine, slow down and enjoy spending more time with the people you love. It’s also exciting to get back on track with my goals and dreams, health standards, and life in general.
The first thing I do right after Chanukah is make my Dissolving Elixir. You see, all those fun Chanukah treats create lots and lots of mucus in the body. And health, i.e., not getting sick, has everything to do with taking responsibility as opposed to relying on pills and other such things.
It’s wonderful to be out of routine, slow down and enjoy spending more time with the people you love!
Mucus is the breeding ground for viruses, parasites, bacteria, fungus, and yeast. Mucus is the problem – not germs. If too much mucus builds up inside the body, colds, flus, pneumonia, and the like are bound to manifest because that is the body’s way of clearing away some of this toxic build up.
Use this recipe to dissolve mucus and avoid or eliminate colds and congestions of all sorts:
22 oz water
2 TBS lemon juice, freshly squeezed
2 TBS minced ginger
2 TBS honey
Shake well and then pour through a fine sieve in order to strain out the pieces of ginger. You can heat this up or drink it cold.
Living in alignment with God and His laws and principles, you cannot lose. I know there are still some people out there who poopoo prioritizing preventative health care such as eating healthy and making sure the body is clean on the inside and not just on the outside, but this is a mistake. Health is a blessing we cannot do without and that can take us to much higher levels of spiritual understandings and living.

Too much mucus inside the body = colds, flus, pneumonia and the like…
As we take responsibility for our health and well-being, rather than succumbing to doing what “everyone” else is doing and eating, we get in the habit of being proactive about other areas in our life. We realize more and more that we have infinite power to co-create our life alongside God. We are surrounded by an ocean of Divine Love. If only we would get rid of even some of the garbage that fills our minds and bodies, we would be able to feel and connect to this Love so much more.
And so, we continue on this beautiful process of life and coming closer to Hashem, waking up to our power with every new day. Let’s celebrate this month of Teves by moving forward, filling ourselves with His light of truth, purifying ourselves, taking responsibility for our lives, and feeling the Love.
I hope you enjoy and benefit from this drink (and mindset) as much as we do!