Break Your Anger
In Likutey Moharan, Lesson 18, Rebbe Nachman tells us that we must try to break our anger with rachmanut, with mercy. He says we should tap into our personal power of compassion in order to nullify our sometimes innate, cruel responses to certain situations.
Sometimes we get angry and it’s obvious. We feel like screaming or yelling and making biting remarks to someone. Whether we are able to keep quiet or not, matters of course, but even feeling that anger is problematical. The wish to strike back or to hurt someone, even just feeling this is acting without compassion.
More challenging still is the fact that anger can take many forms. It can take the form of fear, it can take the form of jealousy or a mixture of both.
We think: Hey, that person has something and I don’t have it. Why do they get to have it? That kind of thinking is also a form of anger.
There are many kinds of anger and by talking to Hashem and asking Him to help us tap into the power of our own personal compassion and mercy, we are able to break our anger. When we do, we merit Hashem’s compassion and Hashem’s mercy in our own lives.
The harsh judgements against us can be diluted and softened and even nullified when we when break our own cruelty and stretch our capacity for mercy.
Want more on self-development, psycho-spiritual growth, feelings and emotions? Learn Likutey Moharan Lesson 18.
May you have a day where you only experience Hashem’s open mercy and compassion.
Today’s mini lesson is dedicated to BRI Women by Malka bat Rivkah. To join the daily WhatsApp group and receive audio formats of these mini-lessons, use this invitation.