of The First Breslov Book for Women by Women Writing Contest
The Breslov Research Institute and BRI Women team thank you sincerely for submitting your writing. Your response was so powerful—it really spoke to the way in which Rebbe Nachman ben Faiga continues to transform so many lives. There were dozens of strong essays and fifteen finalists. But after much prayer and deliberation, our contest committee is delighted to announce the names of three writers whose work we felt was exceptional.
Congratulations to:
First Place Grand Prize Winner
The First Place of a BRI Women all-expense paid trip to Uman is Lisa Rosenblatt, LCSW, of Queens, NY, for her essay on loss and what she found by traveling to Rebbe Nachman’s gravesite in Uman.
Second Place Winner
The Second Place winner of a BRI Hebrew-English Breslove library is Susan (Shulamit Michal) Strassberger, of Queens, NY, for her essay on hitbodedut, talking to God.
Third Place Winner
The Third Place winner of a $250 gift certificate for Breslov books is Miriam Berezin of Lakewood, NJ for her essay on simcha, joy.
We’d also like to name those finalists whose superb essays made choosing only three winners particularly difficult:
Honorable Mentions
Channa Leah Siegel, Queens, NY
Rachel Goldsmith, Queens, NY
Stacy (Aidel) Gains, Toronto, Canada
Janice & Shira Chana Bienstock Huntington Beach, CA & Jerusalem, Israel
Jennifer Stengel Habshush, Ganei Tikvah, Israel
Miriam Pineles, Woodmere, NY
Chana Meisler, Givat Shmuel, Israel