Let’s talk about stress – why so many of us often stress out, and a few ways that I have found to be helpful in dealing with it.
Stress is clearly a negative, low vibration state to be in, which points to it coming from the evil inclination mechanism located within each one of us. The evil inclination’s job is to program us for negativity, non-productiveness, feeling stuck and other such things so that we don’t use our free will to choose life and be successful in our life mission.
When we fall into the trap of getting-stressed-out enough times, as opposed to going into modes such as emuna, solution-oriented, gratitude or any other productive and more positive modes, we become habituated and eventually programmed to stress out basically every time things go wrong.
Becoming aware of this truth has been very helpful to me for being able to catch myself descending into stress mode, stop myself, and to actually do something about it. Because once I understood that this is literally a built in mechanism necessary in order for us to have free will to choose life over death, positivity over negativity, good over bad, I was able to look at things much more objectively and therefore take action more easily.
The evil inclination’s job is to program us for negativity, non-productiveness, feeling stuck and other such things so that we don’t use our free will to choose life and be successful in our life mission.
So… when I’m not falling for the temptation to resist doing something to destress., here are a few of my favorite things to do:
- I make this truly awesome tea – it relaxes me, but it’s also a strong immune booster as an added bonus. If you are stressed out or if you feel a cold or flu coming on, have a bunch of this tea right away:
1 tea bag of Pukka Love Tea
1 tbs minced ginger
1 tbs minced turmeric
1 Lemon slice
Juice of 1 Lemon
1 tsp organic honey
Place all ingredients in a mug, fill with boiling water, cover for five minutes and drink hot.
- I set my emuna, inner positivity and strength in motion by thinking and visualizing back to a past stressful situation which I resolved successfully. I visually recount all of the steps I took that led to a successful resolution of the issue and try to feel once again the emotions of relief and happiness that I had back when that situation was resolved. Then I tell myself that just as Hashem helped me resolve that situation, so too will He help me in this challenge. I then thank Hashem for having helped me in the past and for helping me in the present as well.
- I give myself a head massage: with a wide-toothed comb, I stroke my hair with quick little strokes all around the hair line. Then I lift my hair at the back of my head and give little strokes all around the back hair line. Finally, I slowly comb down my hair from front to back, all around the head.
Wishing you a week filled with light, peace, and peace. Sending all of us ladies a blessing to awaken, arise, illuminate, and return to the pure state of emuna that Hashem had intended for us to be in from the very beginning: Gan Eden right here on earth. Amen.