In Parsha Chukat the Torah tells us that the Jews demanded water in the…
Chaya Rivka Zwolinski
Chaya Rivka Zwolinski
Chaya Rivka in her own words: What do we want? To feel less pain and more optimism. To be happy and lead meaningful lives. This all requires healthy relationships. If we learn, share, and live his teachings, Rebbe Nachman gives us real, practical tools to improve all our relationships—with Hashem, with ourselves, and with each other. Chaya Rivka Zwolinski “discovered” Rebbe Nachman decades ago and credits his profound wisdom with helping her develop her life path. She loves sharing Breslov teachings with women in her classes and workshops, so they too, can benefit from these exciting, life-changing ideas. Chaya Rivka has written books (Therapy Revolution-HCI, The Parent-Child Dance-Feldheim, and otehrs) writes articles for,,,, and numerous other publications; is a consultant to Breslov Research Institute and director of BRI Women it's women's program; and is the director of curriculum and program marketing at She leads tours for women to Uman with the BRI Uman Experience, and speaks in a variety of venues. She lives in Brooklyn, NY.
- BRI WomenFaithReadShabbatWeekly Torah Portion
Parshat Korach: Accepting Other People’s Greatness (and Finding Your Own Greatness in the Process)
In Parsha Korach, the Torah teaches that Korach took himself away from the community…
How do we develop self-esteem? For starters, don’t fall into the grasshopper trap. A grasshopper is not capable of the kind of reflection needed for self-reflection, self-knowledge, and personal growth.
The Lord spoke to Moshe, saying: Speak to Aharon and say to him: “When…
*Rebbe Nachman teaches us how to be present in the moment, especially during the…
In Parsha Naso Moshe finishes erecting the mishkan (the tabernacle.) The tribe of Yisachar…
You have the ability to connect with and build on your own inner holiness. Take your holiness with you as you journey through life.
In Parshat Emor, the Torah teaches us about the particular laws pertaining to the…
There is an amazing concept in Judaism, one which radically contradicts the beliefs of…
In Parshat Tazria the Torah teaches us about the mitzvah of brit milah, circumcision.…