The Rebbe teaches us in Likutey Moharan I: 211: The reason behind traveling to…
Ephraim Portnoy
Ephraim Portnoy
Ephraim Portnoy studied in both Beth Medrash Gevoha and the Breslov Kollel of Lakewood. He currently resides in Brachfeld, Israel.
In Likutei Moharan I, 182, the Rebbe teaches: “Know, that whatever people speak about…
What if you want to prepare for Pesach properly through Torah study and prayer,…
This week we will be adding to the regular Torah reading Parshas Parah. This…
We are already halfway through Elul, one week before Rosh Hashanah. I imagine that…
Most people are convinced that they are victims of fate. Even if we accept…
This is because in exile the true realization of who is the King is…
- FaithReadWisdom
Why is it so difficult to find encouragement in our simple faith that everything is for the best?
Most often, people try to find encouragement through telling stories which relate Hashem’s wonders;…
There are people who feel frustrated with themselves that they aren’t really doing anything…
Question: What is the cause of a person losing his vigor and energy in…