The Wonder of Tehilim – Yitzchok Bell
In this short talk, Meir Elkabas shares Rebbe Nachman’s correction for sexual transgressions and the two promises he swore in front of witnesses.
The Turkey Prince, one of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov’s most well-known stories, contains deep secrets cloaked in a deceptively simple tale. In this spiritual yet intellectually provocative course, Breslov Research Institute author Yitzchok Bell will reveal some of The Turkey Prince’s hidden meanings and discuss how they pertain to each of us. At the beginning of the course students will be invited to read this iconic tale, and share what it means to them.
Series: Self-Discovery through the Tales of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov
Level: All
Text: The Turkey PrinceSome topics include:
Living under the Table (The Human Dilemma)
The Source of Doubts and Confusion
Rediscovering the Glory
The Plight of the ‘Enlightened’
Faith as True Awareness
Anxiety vs. Simplicity
A Settled Mind
Connecting to Joy