Imagine one morning you open the newspaper and see the following headline: Pope Decides…
Yossi Katz

Yossi Katz
Yossi Katz is the founder and director of Breslov Life. He is the author of "The Rebbe's Shabbos Table"--Rebbe Nachman on the weekly parsha. He served for many years as the US executive director of the Breslov Research Institute, where he wrote many articles including the weekly Pathways on the Parsha publication. He studied in Beth Medrash Gevoha and lives with his wife and beautiful children in Lakewood, NJ.
Knowledge, wisdom, education … these are the cornerstones of a typical Jewish upbringing. Almost…
There’s an interesting dialogue in our parashah between God and Moshe. God implores Moshe,…
Negative emotions are extremely powerful and often completely debilitating. In fact, nothing has the…
Am I in exile? Please take a moment to stop and consider this question.…
“Jacob called for his sons and said, ’Come together’… ‘Gather together’” (Genesis 49:1-2). Jacob…
I have always been intrigued by the dramatic meeting of the two leaders of…
Rebbe Nachman teaches that life is full of miracles, how do we see them?
One of my fondest memories of living in Israel as a yeshivah bachur was…
For some reason, people think that spiritual matters are to be taken lightly. They…