Be a Partner! Last Call!

Be a Partner Last Call

This week we begin reading the Book of Shemot (Exodus). The ARI writes that the next six parshiyot speak of the descent of the Children of Israel into exile in Egypt, their bondage, their exodus, and the giving of the Torah. These weeks are called ShoVaVYM (שובבים), which is an acronym for Shemot, Va’eira, Bo, Beshalach, Yitro, Mishpatim שמות, וארא, בא, בשלח, יתרו, משפטים)) – the names of the weekly Torah readings for these ideas of exile and redemption. These weeks are propitious for every Jew to leave behind his exile and experience growth – particularly spiritual growth. The main thing, writes the ARI, is to observe these days with purity and morality. Therefore it is very important to recite the Tikkun HaKlali daily during these weeks.

I returned home to Israel, thank God, and we are progressing with our projects in giant steps.

Firstly, we are happy to announce that the Hebrew book ISH TEVUNAH YIDLENA, Volume 2, an explanation on the Kabbalah, is finished and we are in the middle of final editing and typesetting.

Also in Hebrew, we are advancing with our commentary on the final volume of the LIKUTEY MOHARAN, Volume 12. More than 60% is ready. To help finance the volume, we are selling the lessons, one dedication per lesson. We have a catalog of the summary of each lesson and their contents, and the price for each (according to size) that was prepared by my son Refael. More than 50% of the lessons have been purchased. Time is running out, so hurry to purchase yours and be a partner with Rebbe Nachman.

The Spanish-language LIKUTEY MOHARAN has been finished (15 volumes). We will soon be publishing the entire set, a special edition.

This past month we sold over 2,000 books on the internet (big thanks to our manager Yosef Nechama) with orders from around the world! We even received an order for two sets of the FIFTIETH GATE (Reb Noson’s Likutey Tefilot) from Malaysia, a Muslim country. The name of Rebbe Nachman is very popular around the world!

Next week we hope to close the program of the 148 Partners for reprinting Rebbe Nachman’s books. Only 20 places remain open for you to join. You can click here to become a partner.

I am happy to be of help and to receive suggestions on how we can improve our work. Please write to me at this address.