Home BRI Women

BRI Women

by breslov.org

Women—Learn, Share, and Connect with the Life-changing Teachings of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov.


Spring 2019-UMAN Travel for Women


Join Chaya Rivka Zwolinski and an inspiring and inspired group of women as we travel to Uman and other special places in Ukraine. Learn more. Sign up now and save $100.

January 21-March 11: Rebbe Nachman on Anger Management


8:30 pm (EST) Mondays, January 21 through March 11

Live on BreslovCampus, Live streaming on Facebook

Easy, free log-in

Angry? Try Rebbe Nachman’s Path to Tranquility

Free online Breslov learning with Chaya Rivka Zwolinski

January 27: BRI Breslov at the JCC Manhatta--Prayer and Self-Knowledge


Join BRI’s Chaya Rivka Zwolinski at the JCC Manhattan for their annual Day of Kabbalah. She’ll be speaking about prayer and self-knowledge. Register at the JCC website or phone.

January 29: BOMA Shul, NYC--Intro to Hisbodedus


Join BRI’s Chaya Rivka Zwolinski at the BOMA Shul on the Upper East Side for an introduction to hisbodedus. Free. Click for more information.

Live Programming


Uman Experience for Women


Retreat and Shabbaton


Local Programs & Workshops


Parshat Mishpatim: The Bread & Water Cure

For My angel will go before you, and bring you to the Amorites, the…

Parshat Yitro: Freedom from Fallen Fears

In Parsha Yitro the Jews are standing at Mount Sinai at Matan Torah, the…

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Online Learning

Copy of Anger (1)

Angry? Try Rebbe Nachman's Approach to Anger Management and Find Peace and Tranquility

with Chaya Rivka Zwolinski

Past Events

Upcoming Women’s Event: The Lost Art Of Contemplative Writing

Women: You’re invited to a Breslov writing workshop, with the chance for you to develop your work and have it published in BRI’s upcoming book, Rebbe Nachman: A Woman’s Treasury alongside well known authors and teachers including Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller, Sara Yocheved Rigler, Yehudis Golshevsky, Chaya Rivka Zwolinski, and many more.

BRI Women Weekend Retreat September 8-10–Are You In?

This September 8th through 10th Prepare for the Best Year of Your Life (So…

Women's Breslov Book


The first Breslov book for women by women!

Introducing Rebbe Nachman: A Woman’s Treasury, a  groundbreaking publication featuring uplifting Breslov teachings, life-changing insights and personal stories by women for women. Contributors include noted writers such as Tzipporah Heller, Yehudis Golshevsky, Sara Yocheved Rigler, Gita Kramer, and Chaya Rivka Zwolinski – as well as other women at varying points along their spiritual path.

Rebbe Nachman: A Woman’s Treasury will be beautifully bound with a timeless design, and full-colored art created by female artists.

This precious compendium will be a must-have for any woman who wants to live with more inspiration and joy through the teachings of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov.

Past Classes


BRI Women Brochure

BRI Women Brochure

Welcome Letter to BRI Women

Dear Friend,

It is with tremendous delight that I announce the newest member of the Breslov Research Institute family of projects, BRI Women. We invite you to experience the enriching, life-changing wisdom of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov and everything it has to offer. In particular, the Rebbe helps us strengthen all our relationships–with Hashem, with each other, and with ourselves.

Since time immemorial, women have been educators, communicators, and creators. With our knowledge, intuition and commitment, we determine the spiritual energy in our homes, workplace and communities. The BRI Women program recognizes the centrality of women’s creative and communicative abilities to Jewish life and how essential these talents are to fostering healthy spiritual growth.

To help women discover their potential, BRI Women invites you to join our educational and inspirational programs by women for women. You can drop-by BRI Women classes in your community or drop-in for live online classes at BreslovCampus.org. You can participate in or host a special event such as the women and girls self-esteem building  Azamra! Program and workshops in Hitbodedut, Contemplative Writing and more.

Also, why not join us for our annual women’s Weekend Retreat and Shabbaton? And remember: Uman is not just for men. BRI Women and the BRI Uman Experience takes you on the journey of a lifetime on our women’s mission to Rebbe Nachman’s tziyun in Uman.

Finally, it’s with joy that I am able to say work has begun on BRI Women’s groundbreaking Breslov book, Rebbe Nachman: A Woman’s Treasury.  It is the first Breslov book by and for women and will be published by the Breslov Research Institute, the leading Breslov publisher in the world. Please see submission guidelines and find out how your story can be read by thousands. Also, see the ways in which you can help BRI Women produce this historic publication.

The possibilities for inspiration are limitless, but we need your help. Please support BRI Women and help us grow.

With joy,

Chaya Rivka Zwolinski
Director, BRI Women

P.S. Don’t hesitate email or call me to share your suggestions or comments, or just to say hello. [email protected] or 347-471-1098

The BRI Women program recognizes the centrality of women’s creative and communicative abilities to Jewish life and how essential these talents are to fostering healthy spiritual growth.