Can We Stop From Falling?

Can We Stop From Falling

We strive to connect, to grow, to reach higher in our service of the Almighty. Yet, this growth comes with dangers.  As soon as we try to grow, our new found level puts us in conflict with what was our previous level.  It is as if we are standing on the roof of a house with no ma’akeh, boundary. It is exactly in these heightened moments of devekut, connection to HaShem that we run the risk of falling.

The Talmud teaches in tractate Brachot that “One who has Da’at, Godly Consciousness it is as if he has built the Beit HaMikdash.” This is why guarding our Da’at is so important and imperative to our connection with the Almighty.  This is the necessity of the ma’akeh – to prevent one from falling.

Our inner ma’akeh, boundary is part of our ability retain the Godly light that we have accessed as we’ve grown. Without it, we would not be able to hold the light, ensuring our fall in Emunah, faith and connection to the Almighty.

It is precisely these people whom Amalek is able to succeed in convincing to turn away from the true Tzaddik. Amalek’s real target is the Tzaddik, but he is incapable of harming him, so he convinces the weaker of faith that the Tzaddik is no more.

Truthfully, we are losing the war.  The darkness and confusion seems unstoppable.  Our ability to set clear boundaries has become hampered by the modern noise seeping in.  Without the boundaries we fall –  hard.

Our Daat is truth, but when we fall – our ability to discern the truth becomes blurred. This is why such emphasis has been placed on preventing the fall from be the proverbial roof of our minds.

So how do we get through all of this and stay free from the Amalek within? By connecting to the true Tzaddikim.  They are our ma’akeh, boundary preventing our fall.  The true Tzaddikim mark the path of Emunah before us – lighting the way and allowing us to rise as we need.

And if we fall?

We all fall.  The test is knowing that even in when we fall the Creator is with us drawing us to get back up and start again.

(Based on Likutey Moharan 6; Likutey Halachot Hilchot Ma’akeh v’Shmirat HaNefesh 1; Likutey Halachot Hilchot Shabbat 5.9-10)