Received via Moishe Deutch of Monsey, NY:
1. Chevra, it is a tremendous zchus to have Rav Chaim Kramer give the shiur (in English) in Lekutei Mohoran tonight at 9pm. Maariv after the shiur.
Rav Kramer is the director of Breslov Research Institute which is the organization that is responsible for making the Breslov Seforim available to the English speaking public. Rav Kramer is also the son in-law to Rav Tzvi Aryeh Rosenfeld, who in the previous generation was primarily responsible for dissemination of Breslov teachings in America.
Please join us tonight at 9pm. 14 Judith Lane, Monsey
2. We also have a morning Chaburah, learning the daily amud of Lekutei Mohoran. The Chaburah meets daily at 5:20am-5:55am at Yeshivas Ohr Reuven, 259 Grandview Avenue, Suffern, NY.