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Charity Saves From Death…

by Chaim Kramer

Next Wednesday night, the Jewish People will sit down to the Seder table to celebrate Pesach.

I”d like to share a brief thought with you:

Exactly three years ago, on Erev Pesach, when Covid just started, I became very ill.

I lay in bed for a long time, and it seemed that I”d soon be meeting my late parents, z”l.

All my friends, as well as friends of BRI, did all they could to get me to continue with all the multi-faceted work, disseminating the teachings of Rebbe Nachman.

In the midst of all this, my son came up with an idea.

Rebbe Nachman writes in Likutey Moharan #201 that the initials of מצ”ת stand for צ’דקה ת’ציל מ’מות.

Meaning, the Charity given towards Matzot/Pesach – saves from death.

My son reasoned that since hundreds of Breslov chassidim live in poverty, and BRI has a connection to people from all over the world, we would do all we could to help them celebrate Pesach in abundance.

The truth is, the very fact that we were privileged to be the emissaries to provide them with support, gave me genuine strength and unbelievable chizuk.

Since that time, we identified the great hardships that so many Breslov chassidim endure on a regular basis, and consequently, we took it upon ourselves to expand our regular activities in order to assist them for Pesach.

Breslover Chassidim praying by Rebbe Nachman’s grave

Unfortunately, we keep on getting more requests for support.

We are in desperate need of your help!

We’re now in need of 180 people to donate the amount that’s equivalent to providing chicken for Yom Tov ($360).

Could you be one of the special people who will grant that

It’s a very great zechut and a privilege to take part in this endeavor.

Only with your help can we continue, this year as well, to support over 400 families.

Click here to donate any amount

Wishing you all an amazing, happy, and uplifting redeeming Pesach Yom Tov,

Chaim Kramer

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