If you really want to lose a significant amount of weight or heal a serious issue, up your intake of citrus to 70% of your diet for a few weeks!
Alright ladies, this is my annual PSA about citrus. I have had so much weight loss and immunity success just using my juicer and red grapefruits, (my favorite), that I just have to remind you of this information.
Do you tend to gain weight and lose energy in the winter due to eating heavier food and not being as active as you are during the warmer months? This is definitely an issue however citrus is here for us during this challenging time to help save the day.
Take your pick – oranges, grapefruits, mandarins, pomelos, tangerines, lemons, and lime all contain citric acid and over 85% of living electrical water which together acts as a solvent in the body. And no, citric acid in capsule or powder form is not the same. You need it all working synergistically in one package – the vitamins, minerals, enzymes, water, citric acid, and life force that is contained in every single fresh citrus fruit.
I have had so much weight loss and immunity success just using my juicer and red grapefruits, that I just have to remind you of this information!
Citrus is kind of like a solvent solution that helps dissolve accumulations in the lymph vessels and nodes, the stomach, the small and large intestines, and the blood. Citrus is also incredibly helpful for reducing cellulite, and belly fat. Add to this mix going to sleep earlier, which is much easier to do in the winter, along with some low stress exercise, and it’s a winning weight loss combination.
Citrus is an amazing winter gift to help get through this time where sunshine and fresh air are less available. Just as it gets cold and cloudy, we get an abundance of a food that makes you happy (and comes in the happy colors yellow and orange), gives you energy, and is basically liquid sunshine packaged in a fruit.
A couple of other things you may not know about citrus is that it helps purify tissues and acts as an anticoagulant in the blood stream to help you to avoid heart attacks, strokes, and occlusions of all types. Citrus is considered to be one of the best foods for your nervous system, acting as a soother and energizer at the same time.
Citrus is so easy to incorporate into your diet. With a simple citrus juicer, you can make freshly squeezed orange juice or grapefruit juice for breakfast. You can use orange juice in your salad dressings. Squeeze lemon into your water throughout the day. Have pomelos and tangerines for snacks mid-morning and afternoon. Have a salad for lunch made with lettuce and other leafy greens, purple onion, and tangerines. Use tangerine juice in the dressing.
If you really want to lose a significant amount of weight or heal a serious issue, up your intake of citrus to 70% of your diet for a few weeks. Your adrenals glands and heart will thank you, and pesky weight will finally make its way out of your system.
Do not let winter bring your health down and your weight up ladies. Right here, right now is a great time to get your health and weight in line. Let’s go!