Series: Likutey Moharan Essentials
In this text-based shiur, Reb Yirmy Ginsberg will discuss three short lessons in Likutey Moharan Tinyana—LM II 46, LM II 47, and LM II 48. Although less complex on the surface than some other, these lessons go to the core of our spiritual service of Hashem. Each topic offers the opportunity for reflection on a larger theme within each lesson.
Topics include:
Lesson 46: Daily Mesirat Nefesh
- What is Mesirat Nefesh (spiritual sacrifice) in mind, body, and soul?
- Understanding Confusion of the Mind
- Seeing through the Imaginary Walls we Create & Breaking out of our Self-Made Prison
Lesson 47 The Dangers of Teaching Torah
- Teaching Torah Properly
- Understanding the Different Levels and Layers in Yourself and Others
- How the “Other Side” Grasps Torah
Lesson 48 The Struggles of Entering Into Avodat Hashem (Service of God)
- The First Avodah within the First Avodah
- Making Sense of Life’s Tests
- Feeling Distant from Hashem
- Knowing the True Value of the Mitzvot You Do
- Depression vs Joy
- Holy Stubbornness
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8:20 PM Eastern time, 5:20 PM Pacific time (40 minutes)
Thursday, January 11 through Thursday, February 22 (No class January 25th)
Intermediate through Advanced (Beginners welcome)
Yirmy Ginsburg