Continue the Pesach Momentum of True Freedom

In this world of confusion, deception, and misinformation, how do we continue to ascend post Pesach?

We’ve just celebrated Pesach, one of the most uplifting and inspirational experiences one could have. The Nation of Israel reached such deep enslavement and subjugation in Egypt, yet Hashem uplifted and freed them. This should give everyone much hope and gratitude.

This also leaves me with a thought: even though we were freed on Pesach, most of us are still enslaved, whether it is to false beliefs, misinformation, deception, needs or desires.

And this question: in this world of confusion, deception, and misinformation, how do we continue to ascend post Pesach?

Many of us seem to believe we HAVE to live a certain life, lead a certain lifestyle, send our kids to a particular school, have a certain job to pay for things we feel we must have, have THAT person, look a certain way, keep our kids in school even when they are doing terribly, and work full time while letting family and home fall by the wayside, to name just a few examples.

Do you see how we are all in this prison – stuck? Because we BELIEVE that all the above are a must and that there are no other options.

Funny thing, it’s precisely when you give up on YOUR perception of what it is you need and want and let go of your IMAGINARY control to make it happen, that things will be handed to you. Do not be afraid to let go. It’s counterintuitive but that is what brings you success. If you hang on to doing things only one way or having to have situations be just so, you become subjugated to the latter and you’re going to feel pressure and get stuck.

Even though we were freed on Pesach, most of us are still enslaved, whether it is to false beliefs, misinformation, deception, needs or desires…

For a plane to continue to ascend higher, at some point it must drop some of its weight, and the same applies to us as well. We need to drop the weight of our wants, release our need to control, and let go of false beliefs and narratives that have been fed to us. Surrender. Don’t cling. Enjoy what you have NOW. Accept what you don’t have NOW.

Ultimately, you were not put here to have the car, get into the right school, enslave yourself to your job, or keep up with the Joneses. You are here to rely on God and to keep working on your emuna that HE and only He is in control and He always has a way of working things out. Stop thinking, over analyzing, calculating, manipulating, and maneuvering.

keep the momentum

It’s not that you shouldn’t be living, trying, goal setting, etc. But let go of HAVING to have it your way and according to your timing. Things are going to happen only when Hashem decides and according to His timing.

You are never alone. Hashem is always taking care of you.

If you need it, it will be given to you.

Sometimes we will have to do some things that don’t make sense. Yet they are Hashem’s will. They make room for His blessings to flow down. Did you know that when someone insults you and you do not answer back, this creates a window of tremendous blessing for you? Did you know that when you tithe 20% instead of 10%, this creates an even greater cash flow for you? Yet these are all counter intuitive to our limited perception of reality.

The trick is not to need. Not to burden yourself with so much stuff, needs, wants, standards, that you are so heavy and cannot get anywhere.

Give the benefit of the doubt even to those who hate or disagree with you. Be grateful for  every life circumstance, even the uncomfortable and annoying ones.
God sees your heart.

Nothing else matters.

Going forward, continue the momentum of true freedom by releasing yourself. The greatest ascent comes from cleaning house from the inside. It’s not what you own it’s what you are. Are you enslaved to false narratives that pull you further away from Hashem? Or are you able to flow with Hashem’s timing, boundaries and life energy and master yourself, knowing that everything you need is already here?

Wishing you a wonderful Spring and may true freedom be with you!