Over Shabbat, a person should eat three meals: on Friday night, on Shabbat morning, and one more on Shabbat afternoon (Shabbat 117b).
Rebbe Nachman teaches: Eat on Shabbat for the sake of Shabbat itself. Don’t eat because you didn’t have a chance to eat on Friday, or so you shouldn’t be hungry on Sunday. Eat only for today, in honor of Shabbat itself. Honor Shabbat with the finest cuisine and as many delicacies as your budget will allow (Likutey Moharan I, 125). Don’t even think that delighting in fine foods and wines is being extravagant and indulgent. All the foods that you partake of on Shabbat are considered holy. Besides, dining on Shabbat brings peace (Likutey Moharan I, 57:5,6).

Honor Shabbat with the finest cuisine and as many delicacies as your budget will allow
Not only is eating the Three Meals the best way to honor Shabbat, but it can also rectify any Shabbat desecration one may have inadvertently committed (Likutey Moharan I, 277).
Don’t even think that delighting in fine foods and wines is being extravagant and indulgent. All the foods that you partake of on Shabbat are considered holy. Besides, dining on Shabbat brings peace