What an incredible evening!
- Reb Yonoson Rietti
- Reb Joey Newcomb
- Reb Yossi katz
- Reb Shimmy Fried
- Reb chaim kramer
- Rav Moshe Weinberger
- Reb Gedalia Fenster
- Reb Leibish Hundert
Here is some of the feedback we received:
- Magnificent event! –B.R. Ramat Bet Shemesh, Israel
- Do it again! A mini Uman –G.B. South America
- The event was mamash beautiful –B.S. Woodmere, NY
- Thank you! Thank HaShem. This is awesome. –Y.B. Chicago, IL
- Chazak U’Baruch, what a spectacular event –S.S Mexico City
- Wow! what a beautiful event! Worth every dollar. –Y.L. Toronto, Canada
And the list goes on and on. Enjoy watching!
1 comment
Dear Reb Chaim, you deserve all the support! Thank you so much for your self-sacrifice to print and teach the Rebbe’s teachings in several languages to the world for so many years! I myself discovered Rebbe Nachman through you. Thank you and have a complete and speedy REFUA SHELEMA!!! Till 120 in health and spreading more of Rebbe Nachman’s wisdom every day!