If a situation or project or client is on the cringe spectrum, that means it’s an energy drain…
The other day, I finally let go of a work project that, due to technical reasons, was well… an energy drain. I had been procrastinating about letting it go for some time. Letting go of a profitable, easy money, low responsibility project? That’s kind of unsettling. It’s steady money. It’s not an easy project to replace. These thoughts had been stopping me from doing what I knew I had to do.
The thing is, lately I’ve been listening to my intuition a lot more. And my intuition was saying loud and clear to stop this work immediately. And – that my business does not and cannot depend on this type of energy drain project. And – that taking on projects not aligned with my values and which assess low on my project assessment chart, is never a good idea.
Another factor was something I had already known for a while: if a situation or project or client is on the cringe spectrum, that means it’s an energy drain – a sure sign that it will take away from growing my business, not the other way around.
It’s steady money. It’s not an easy project to replace. These thoughts had been stopping me from doing what I knew I had to do…
As a business owner, letting go of projects and clients can feel quite counter- intuitive. I mean, running a business depends on them. But take it from someone whose been an entrepreneur for well over ten years, once you get a bunch of projects and clients, they clearly divide into three categories: top, okay and energy drainers. Once you let go of the energy drainers, the time, headspace and peace of mind that immediately open up, allow you to laser focus on your top clients as well as to further optimize your business. All of which grow is into a much bigger vessel.
This was not the first time I let go of a project or turned down a client. Once I finally internalized the concept of not having to be a slave to my business, of my business not owning me, people-pleasing not being part of customer service, it became a lot more doable to let go of what wasn’t optimally working for the biz.
I finally internalized the concept of not having to be a slave to my business…
It became even easier once I started learning about the concept of “In the path that a person wants to walk, there he is led,” (Makos, 10/2). If I want my business to go in the path of being comprised of top clients and projects, then that is where I will be led. If this is my intention, then I can slash my clients and projects in half and I will still end up with a flourishing business that is not only not an energy drain but that actually energizes me.
So, this is what I’ve been saying to myself lately: “I have it in me to grow a business filled with projects that deserve my time, energy and inspiration. I have it in me to raise the bar. I have it in me to set an example. I have the right and responsibility to take risks in my business and to be choosy about who I work with. I believe in myself. Hashem has BIG plans for me.”
In business at least, we do not have to be entangled with people, situations, projects, and other things that deplete us. Hashem has a much more positive and uplifting plan for us. Stop. Assess. Affirm your intention. Know that wherever it is you truly intend to go and believe that you can go, you will be Divinely assisted in getting there.