Home BRI Women For Women: Rosh Chodesh Adar Live in NYC

For Women: Rosh Chodesh Adar Live in NYC

by breslov.org

Dear Women,
You asked and we listened!

You’re invited to a special Breslov event just for women on Sunday, February 26th at the JCC of Manhattan.

Azamra: Hearing the Song of Your Soul
An Afternoon of Self-Discovery with Healing Chassidic Meditation, Art and Music

Date: Sunday, February 26th  Time: 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Place: The JCC of Manhattan at 334 Amsterdam Ave. at 76th St, New York City 

Come for a creative afternoon of Chassidic workshops based on the joyful wisdom of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov. Experience the power of Chassidic meditation, art, and song. Uncover unique healing insights you can build on. Gain self-knowledge. Take home doable ideas for a personal spiritual practice that will work in your life.

Save money and reserve online now. If you have any difficulties with the online registration, please register at the JCC registration number, 646.505.5708 or call Susie Kessler, directly at 646.505.5726.

Online registration is $40 per person. Price at the door will be $50.

Beginners through advanced participants are welcome. Kosher snacks served.

Workshops will be led by popular Breslov teachers including:

Chaya Rivka Zwolinski, of the Breslov Research Institute and BreslovCampus.org, is a teacher, coach, and writer. She’s dedicated to helping women connect with their individual soul-potential and living with more joy. She’s  the co-author of Therapy Revolution (HCI) and The Parent-Child Dance (Feldheim), and contributes to PsychCentral.com and BreslovWoman.org.

Atara Grenadir, art therapist and chair of the art department at Touro College, known for her contemplative, spiritually charged paintings. Atara helps students understand more about themselves through the use of line and color. She is the author of a cookbook, Breslov Naturally, which is illustrated with her paintings.

Fraidy Katz, Experienced educator and head of musical productions for children and adults. Fraidy teaches a traditional challah-baking workshop. She will be singing and teaching us heartwarming Chassidic songs and explaining their deeper meaning.

Co-sponsored by the Jewish Community Center of Manhattan & Breslov Research Institute

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