The Breslov Research Institute is happy to announce that we have now typeset volume four of Likutey Teffilot called the Fiftieth Gate in our bilingual English-Hebrew Edition, and it is now ready for print. The cost of this project was over $12,000 and to date no one has come forth to sponsor any part of it. There remains $6,000 in expenses to be paid out and we would like to offer a generous donor the chance to not only grab the mitzvah for this remaining amount but also the ability to exclusively dedicate this book in honor or memory of a loved one. If you would like to come forward and help, please use either our donate form (PayPal or credit card and tax-deductable) or email our office.
Thank you so much, may it be HaShem’s will that we are able to continue to translate all of Rebbe Nachman’s great works.