Happy Tu BiShvat!
Last night, on this very special holiday, we were overjoyed to celebrate the marriage of our dear son Refael, נ”י (whom you all know from his insightful articles on the teachings of Rabeinu Hakadosh), to his dear wife Rachel, תחי’.
May it be Hashem’s will that they have a good, long and happy life together. May they merit a binyan adei ad (an eternal, enduring structure), and see dorot yesharim mevorachim (upright, blessed generations).
I was delighted to see a gigantic fruit platter that was brought to the hall together with an extraordinary gift — a “bookcase” with reproductions of BRI’s titles together with chocolates bearing labels of the book covers, in fulfillment of the verse from Yechezkel, “It was in my mouth as sweet as honey.” It gave me such a warm feeling to see in front of my eyes the tremendous merit that we have been privileged, to publish so many books that light up the world! And my dear son Refael invested many years to glorify these extraordinary works.
Today is also the day that we pray for a beautiful etrog. Download the special prayer here.
May we all share in simchas!
1 comment
Mazal tov!!!! Wishing them a very happy marriage!