Home Faith Hearing the Message

Hearing the Message

by Yehudis Golshevsky

BRI’s NarrowBridge.Org sends out twice weekly inspiration providing a regular dose of hope, meaning and courage. These emails include small doses of Rebbe Nachman’s wisdom, enabling us to get through the week in a more spiritual way. 

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Rebbe Nachman of Breslov taught…

Affirm your faith in yourself:
I believe that I am very important in G-d’s eyes.
I believe that I can return, no matter how far I’ve strayed.
I believe that I have the inner strength to change.
I believe that I can become truly devoted and close to G-d.

(The Empty Chair, p. 69*)


What does this mean to me?

Rebbe Nachman once took his precious student Reb Nosson to task. He said, “You have faith in G-d…but you don’t have faith in yourself!” We all need to be aware of our potential for good and our importance in the greater scheme of things to be able to grow and give of ourselves. Developing a healthy sense of self—having genuine faith in ourselves—can take a while, and we need Divine assistance to help us as we move toward that goal. The qualities in which we can take real pride are gifts from G-d: our holy soul, our potential for good, our ability to change and grow. Those qualities are not diminished by anyone or anything; when we focus on them, we begin to see that our worth is independent of anything external.


A prayer:

My G-d,
teach me to be true to myself.
Never let me be swayed by the approval
or the disapproval of others.
Help me learn to depend on no one but You,
and to look nowhere but within
to come to know my true self—
that person I really am.

(The Gentle Weapon, p. 111**)

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I often go to this prayer in The Flame of the Heart, it is very meaningful for me. I could not have come up with a better way of expressing my feelings to HaShem than this little prayer does.
Sincerely, DG

*“The Empty Chair: Finding Hope and Joy – Timeless Wisdom from a Hasidic Master, Rebbe Nachman of Breslov” by Rebbe Nachman of Breslov, Adapted by Moshe Mykoff and The Breslov Research Institute, 1994. Permission granted by Jewish Lights Publishing, Woodstock, VT, www.jewishlights.com.

**“The Gentle Weapon: Prayers for Everyday and Not-So-Everyday Moments – Timeless Wisdom from the Teachings of the Hasidic Master, Rebbe Nachman of Breslov” by Rebbe Nachman of Breslov, Adapted by Moshe Mykoff & S.C. Mizrahi with the Breslov Research Institute, 1999.  Permission granted by Jewish Lights Publishing, Woodstock, VT, www.jewishlights.com.

To view the past emails, click here.

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