I’m on a Mission

Well, maybe that’s a little over-stated, but that’s how I feel after reading Reb Noson’s intro to Chayei Moharan. Maybe I should explain what it is. Chayei Moharan is Reb Noson’s journal of short teachings, episodes and “backstage” material to Rebbe Nachman’s teachings and life. The book, translated as Tzaddik by Breslov Research, is arranged thematically: here’s the backstage material, here are some episodes about the Rebbe’s trip to [place]; here are some teachings that didn’t make it into Likutey Moharan, etc.

Reb Noson loved the Rebbe. Reb Noson loved him, appreciated him and valued not only the Rebbe’s teachings, but the Rebbes mission and the Rebbes person. That passion, that caring, that ibber-gegebenkeit (given-overness) to the Rebbe and his mission comes steaming? bursting? burning? I don’t know how to say it, through the pages.

I started a personal project in the middle of last summer, to grow through the Rebbe’s other seforim/works slowly, a few pages a day, to savor them, to poke around and enjoy the view instead of rushing through them. So I finished Sichos HaRan, the ever-popular Rebbe Nachman’s Wisdom, and Rebbe Nachman’s Stories. It occurred to me as I read Reb Noson’s intro—he basically says as much—this is too good, to be important, to not be shared.

So I’m on a mission, to try to share some of Reb Noson’s passion for anything that has to do with Rebbe Nachman zal (of blessed memory). Its a great way to become a better Jew.