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Integrity and Faith – the Agrarian Way

by Chaim Kramer

This week’s parsha, Behar, contains the laws of Shemittah and Yoveil, the Sabbatical and Jubilee years. It then goes on to state laws of buying and selling, trading, and real estate, among other laws.

Basically, the entire parsha is dedicated to being honest in business, in any kind of business. In other words, it speaks of faith.

Thus the parsha begins with the laws of the Sabbatical year, a year when we must, in the holy Land, let our fields lie fallow. Any and all crops that do grow are to be declared in the public domain. Anyone who comes along may partake of the produce.

For an agrarian society, this may seem a bit extreme. Let the land lie fallow? I must declare the produce of my field open to all? For an entire year? Don’t I, as the landowner, have any rights? But the verse states, “The Land is Mine” [says HaShem]. It really doesn’t belong to me. It is entrusted to me by God Himself. Thus, I must strengthen my faith that I will not come to any harm or loss if I follow HaShem’s rules.

The same applies to acting honestly in business, being scrupulous when dealing in tangible goods and real estate transactions, building, repairs, trading, etc. I must act honestly. There are times (mostly, too often) when a shady character appears on the scene. That is not my concern. I, yes I, must act correctly. We must be aware that such people exist. We must therefore pray to HaShem that we be protected from the dishonest ones, that we are guarded from chicanery, and that we do not fall victim to dishonesty.

If I place my trust in HaShem, if I put my faith in HaShem, if I turn my heart to HaShem in prayer, and conduct myself properly, then I can find myself living an honest life. Then I won’t come to harm or loss. Then I can allow myself to let the land lie fallow, and I can feel that HaShem is with me; it is, after all, His way of guiding us on the right path. In doing so, we will see success.

Have a great Shabbos!

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