Jewish Meditation In 7 Steps

Jewish Meditation In 7 Steps

Jewish Meditation in 7 Steps – Quick & Easy

Rebbe Nachman’s path to Chassidic Meditation or Hitbodedut can be challenging for many people just starting out. Oftentimes people complain that an hour is just too difficult to find in their day. Reb Ozer Bergman suggests the following 7 step easy approach to Jewish Meditation:


Set a time during the day when you know you will be alone and fully available for just one minute.


1 • Stop what you’re doing.


2 • Take a deep breath.


3 • Thank God for any two things in your life—one current, the other current or past.


4 • Ask God for two material things—one related to today, one related to the future.


5 • Ask God for two spiritual things—one related to today, one related to the future.


6 • Ask God to help the Jewish people in two ways.


7 • Either: (a) Ask God to talk again tomorrow and say, “Thank You,” or (b) Keep talking. When you finish, go to 7a.


[box] If you are interested in reading more about Jewish Meditation, you may be interested in reading our step by step guide entitled, “Where Earth and Heaven Kiss.“[/box]