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LAST and Final Call to the 148 flight

by Zvi Kramer


Dear Friends,

We are now in the final stage of distributing financial assistance for the Pesach Holiday to the members of the Breslov communities in Israel.

The “FLIGHT OF 148” is a reference to פסח, which numerically adds up to 148.

It is also a reference to Rebbe NaChMaN (נחמן), which also has a numerical value of 148. May his merit be upon us.

Today, Thursday, is less than one week until Pesach, and we are still short some $25,000 to match the disbursements of last year.

Try to imagine the anguish of the families who are looking forward to some help: there are large families who are seeking shoes for their children, clothes for the youngsters, and simply food for their families. They are not seeking luxuries, but the basics: potatoes, eggs, milk, fish, and some chicken.

But the difference you can make is immense. Your charitable gift will go towards feeding the hungry, clothing the impoverished, and helping many to sit by the Seder with dignity.

Please, please, open your hearts and pockets and give generously so you can help these families celebrate a joyful Pesach, much as you, yourself, would wish to celebrate it.

With blessings from Jerusalem for salvation for all of us this coming Pesach,

Chaim Kramer


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