Enjoy my daily health shots! No, not the kind of shots currently being promoted out there… I’m talking about le’chaim shots.
I’m seeing more fear and drama around getting sick this winter than ever before. I don’t ever remember people posting an announcement on Facebook that they are sick with cold and flu like symptoms, do you? And it’s usually only after having gotten sick that people start asking about what to take and do. Oy. Let’s be smart – the time to start taking care of our health is before we get sick. It’s called preventative medicine. Every woman can do this for her family!
So first, let me ask you: how much sunlight, water, fresh air, and sleep are you getting? Are you imbuing yourself with these free health agents on a daily basis? Next, what type of food are you eating? Is it life-giving food such as fresh, organic fruits, vegetables, sprouts and greens? Or is it processed, chemicalized concoctions devoid of oxygen, water, sunlight, and enzymes?
How much sunlight, water, fresh air, and sleep are you getting? Are you imbuing yourself with these free health agents on a daily basis?
Finally, are you moving your body in a way that is making it stronger and upping your heart rate? When the body is sedentary for most of the day, your internal environment tends to coagulate, which slows down your system and weakens your immunity. Oxygen plus glucose equals energy. If you eat too much food and not get enough oxygen, you will feel sluggish.
I want to present to you today with a concept that’s pretty easy to do and that can really impact your health for the better: doing daily health shots! No, not the kind of shots currently being promoted out there… I’m talking about le’chaim shots. For immunity, circulation, gut health, and energy, you know – life! Having at least one of every morning is a health-changing habit!
Le’chaim shots:
Citrus on fire – to keep your heart and blood vessels clean and flowing.
1 cup orange juice, freshly squeezed
½ tsp minced Turmeric
½ tsp minced Ginger
Mix well and drink.
Citrus Blast – for alkalinity, strength and energy
¾ cup orange juice
¼ cup lemon juice
1 tsp green powder
½ tsp powdered turmeric
Mix well and drink.
Apple Cider Twist – to keep your immune system strong; anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory
1 cup water
1 TBS organic apple cider vinegar
Pinch of powered ginger
Pinch of powdered turmeric
1 tsp honey
Boil all of the above for 2 minutes. Cool and drink.
Life comes from life. So have as many foods and liquids that contain the
as possible! If you want to stay healthy, energized, beautiful and strong as well as have mental clarity and good energy, get into the habit of all of the above.