Nekudat HaChaver – Study partner project!

We at BRI we’ve come up with the idea of matching study partners – our unique Nekudat Chaver study partner project!

My dear friend,

How many times did you try to study the works of Rebbe Nachman but found them too difficult to understand?

How strong is your desire to find someone who speaks your language and who can explain Breslov concepts such as yearning, hitbodedut, Uman Rosh HaShanah, the tzaddik, and more?

Finally! We’ve launched the unique Nekudat Chaver study partner project!

Rebbe Nachman writes that in order to serve God, a person must have three points: 1. the point of the tzaddik – to believe in the tzaddik and to receive from him a path in service of God; 2. the point of himself – through hitbodedut, speaking to Hashem in his own words and coming to the realization of his own lowliness while simultaneously knowing how important he is in Hashem’s eyes; and 3. The point of the friend – where people learn and receive from one another through discussion and study.

How strong is your desire to find someone who speaks your language and who can explain Breslov concepts such as hitbodedut, Uman Rosh HaShanah and more?

Reb Noson explains that the path to reach the first two points is through the third: Each person’s understanding for his own path in service of God is clarified via discussion and study with another person.


We at BRI see that there is a great thirst for such an endeavor among both men and women, and therefore we’ve come up with the idea of matching study partners, according to level.

Enter your contact information in the following link and in the coming weeks we will match you with our best people. Naturally we will make an effort to provide the most compatible matches so that each person will be able to make maximum progress in learning Rebbe Nachman’s teachings to fulfill the Rebbe’s words from Likutey Moharan #34:

Each person has to talk to his friend about the fear of God, so that his heart receives inspiration from the nekudah (point) in which his friend surpasses him, as in, “And one received from the other.” For this aspect in which his friend surpasses him is an aspect of a nekudah. There, in this nekudah, love resides. This nekudah is an aspect of tzaddik with regard to his friend, and this nekudah shines into his friend’s heart.

All these nekudot—i.e., the nekudah that is called “My mouth utters wisdom” and also the nekudah that each person has which his friend does not—are extensions of the tzaddik. For he is the encompassing nekudah of all Israel. Everyone first has to receive from the tzaddik, and afterwards they will receive from each other. And each person will receive from within himself, by engaging in private conversation with His Maker. And through these three nekudot the disgrace (i.e., foreskin) of the heart (i.e., evil loves) is eliminated. This is: “love covers up all faults,” because that is where holy love resides.

May it be Hashem’s will that the year and all its curses come to an end, with the dawn of a new year and its blessings. May all illness and sorrow be obliterated from the world, and may only love and holiness be revealed, which will eliminate the foreskin of our hearts. May we merit to have Hashem circumcise our hearts and the hearts of our children (את לבבינו ואת לבב זרעינו) – the first letters of which form the word אלול.


Chaim Kramer