Light Bulb Show is Going Down!

What makes us not ask for help? Guilt and ego! Yardena’s most interesting light bulbs go on with the broken foot scenario.

I am having the most interesting light bulbs go on with this broken foot scenario. I am defining and redefining what it is Hashem wants me to focus on right now. I am seeing more and more that I have to take full responsibility for my emotions and reactions because it’s not really “the broken foot”, “the chag-Shabbos-chag-Shabbos” thing, the messy house, other people, etc. that make me feel negative.

It seems like for sure Hashem has made me stop the physical activity in order to rewire and catch negative thoughts on a deeper level. Also, He is telling me to prioritize taking care of my nervous system, especially my adrenals.

A friend asked me, “Why don’t you ask your neighbors for some help?”

I gave it some thought. I didn’t want to ask for help? Why? What makes us not ask for help?

Guilt and ego.

You need to have quite a healthy self-image to keep going when you hit a wall, but even then, at some point you must ask for help otherwise you get to a point of breakdown. I made a big decision – I was going to ask for help. Actually, I let my friend call my neighbor and tattletale on me. LOL! Believe me that was hard enough.

It seems like for sure Hashem has made me stop the physical activity in order to rewire and catch negative thoughts on a deeper level.

There are times in life where you have to let go. When you can’t let the old programming run the show.  The programming of feeling very uneasy when asking others for help and depending on other people for help.

You know what I realized? At the end of the day, this broken foot is about Hashem showing me what still needs to be worked out in my inner world. That part that feels like you have to do it all alone. What an ancient story…

There are times in life where you have to let go

There are times in life where you have to let go!

And how many other stories are we still running that affect the way we do things today? It’s a lot to think about. But every once in a while, Hashem gives us an opportunity – a broken foot, getting sick, etc., to stop, get more awareness and do something about old programs still running the show.

What is your deepest work? Mine is asking for help. Hashem is telling me – it’s time to grow up!!

I am also definitely taking more time to take care of myself. Not just my foot but my nervous system as well. I’m drinking A LOT of herbal tea. Eating very simply. Sleeping more. Lavender drops on my pillow. Face massage and facial acupressure points.

How are you ladies doing?

I hope you are keeping well and having some light bulbs of your own turning on!