Reb Noson, Rebbe Nachman’s leading student and scribe, tells us that the depth and breadth of Rebbe Nachman’s utterly original teachings were designed to show us how improve our relationships with our spiritual self, each other and God. In his unique work, Likutey Halachot, Reb Noson extrapolates from Rebbe Nachman’s works to uncover rich insights into the Shulchan Oruch (the Code of Jewish Law), a text that is often misperceived as dry, dusty, or irrelevant. Likutey Halachot is bursting with inspirational explications of halacha (Jewish law), via the light of Breslov Chassidut, scripture, and the Kabbalastic masters.
Series: Living the Life of a Breslover Chassid with Likutey Halachot, Section 2
Time: Wednesday, 8:00 PM EST – 5:00 PST
Date: January 14 – February 25 (7 weeks)
Level: Intermediate through Advanced (Previous course attendance not required)
Text: Likutey Halachot (Orach Chaim) Lesson Four: Netilat Yedayim (Laws of the Washing of Hands)
As we learn the text, students will begin to see the world through the eyes of the ultimate Breslover, Reb Noson. Together, we’ll explore the deeper meaning of the Jewish laws and implement the author’s recommendations for achieving spiritual growth. This is halacha the way it was meant to be learned and understood!
Topics covered:
- Escaping Pain and Suffering
- The Value of Nullifying Oneself to the Ein Sof (Infinity)
- Receiving New Insights Every Single Day
- How to Deal With Spiritual Ups and Downs
- The Sanctity of Clothing and the Spiritual Meaning for the Prohibition of Shatnez (Mixing Wool with Linen)
- Cain and Able, the Deeper Conflict
- Why Did Moses Initially Refuse to Redeem the Jewish People?