Listen to Meir Elkabas explain God’s desire for us and our desire for Hi.
Meir Elkabas
Involved in the spreading and dissemination of the teachings and advice of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov, his disciples and his movement - through what is called Breslov Therapy
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B”H Thanks so much for your shi’urim! I listen while doing data entry work in the office, where using internet is not allowed, so it has been great that the audio is downloadable. I hope you can keep the files downloadable, so I can keep listening regularly on my mp3 player. Kativa v’chatima tova!
Just wanted to thank you for enjoying the audio classes on Rebbe Nachman’s teachings. I hope to bli neder always keep them downloadable, since they are teachings very necessary for survival today.
Mazel Tov on the wedding of your oldest child…will send a gift very soon…please remember the luxury condominiums in Yerushalyim that your contacts may be interested in…all the best…Dina Susan Fine.’s contact number 212-247-5375 in New York City.