Live Class

im yirtzeh Hashem (God willing) The Rebbe Nachman Thursday Night Chaburah (we recently celebrated our second anniversary!) will be broadcast live starting this Thursday night. You can find us at Radio Free Nachlaot.

It begins 8 PM Jerusalem time, 1 PM Eastern Daylight Time, noon Central, 10 AM Pacific.

We will be continuing Sichot HaRan (aka Sichos HaRan aka Rabbi Nachman’s Wisdom), siman/chapter #154. Listen and learn Rebbe Nachman’s secret for success!

If there is sufficient interest, I will, im yirtzeh Hashem, post the text of upcoming chapters each week.

Our thanks to the good folk at RFN, Lorlei Kude and “Deuteronomy” Levine, and our hosts, the Rothbergs.