The series that revolutionized the English speaking world is coming to its completion!
Over thirty years ago one man dreamed of making Rebbe Nachman’s magma opus accessible to the English speaking world. Since then fourteen volumes have been published, millions of pages have been studied around the world and Rebbe Nachman’s message has been heard. Now YOU can make this man’s dream an everlasting reality.
Whoever begins a mitzvah but doesn’t complete it, and another one comes along and does finish it, then the mitzvah is called on the name of the one who completes it (Sotah 13b).
The Talmud notes that it was Moses who took with him the bones of Joseph for burial in the Holy Land(Exodus13:19). But it is also written, “And the bones of Joseph which the Israelites took with them, they buried in Shekhem (Joshua 24:32). True, Moses took the bones with him, but he did not finish the mitzvah. Since the Israelites buried Joseph, they are credited with the mitzvah.
We have broken down the remaining opportunities below. Please take part in the tremendous mitzvah and join us B’Ezras HaShem in the grand Siyum that will take place in New York.
Sponsor a page for $180 and dedicate it in honor/memory of a loved one. We will print your dedication in the book and mail you a copy when it is published. We accept Paypal and secure credit card processing via Authorize.Net, or mail a check or money order to Breslov Research Institute, 761 River Ave. Suite 1A, Lakewood, NJ 08701. If you prefer to give a different amount towards the project, click here.
Front Side: Full Page Dedication $2800 | Half Page $1600
Back Side: Full Page Dedication: $1200 | Half Page $720 Click here to donate and we will contact you for the dedication text.
How about dedicating the entire book? The Breslov Research Institute is extending this amazing opportunity for to dedicate the final volume of Likutey Moharan and have it called after (edition-style) whomever you choose. Please contact us for more info.
Here are a few things that Rebbe Nachman said about his sefer:
The Rebbe said that Likutey Moharan was “the beginning of the Redemption. Now that it has come out,” he said, “I very much want people to study it.” They must study it so much that they know it by heart because it is filled with guidance and it has the power to stir men to God in a way nothing else can compare with. Tzaddik #346
He said: “The’ Evil One has great power to cover people’s eyes. Were it not for this, the book would cause a tremendous arousal in the world.” Tzaddik #352
He said to me: “Surely you are entitled to feel encouraged seeing that you have such a great share in the book!” -namely, Likutey Moharan which was being printed at the time. He went on to say that the whole book was mine, because without me the book would never have come into the world… Then he said: “You yourself know something of the true greatness of this book and its holiness. And even more than this, you should have faith in its greatness. They’ve printed a thousand copies,” he said, “and each one will come into the hands of several people,” in other words I should take heart from having been privileged to have such a positive influence over the community as a whole. Tzaddik #369
We humbly thank everyone who has has helped us get to this point, we are most grateful and you truly are partners with Rebbe Nachman, may his merit protect us. May you and everyone else take advantage of this opportunity and finish this mitzvah together with us and in the merit of this great feat – may we all celebrate together in Jerusalem with the coming of Mashiach, speedily in our days, Amen.
Please call me on my cellphone, USA 786-553-4647. I wish to contribute if the offer of receiving a set is still available. I want to speak to a live person.
hershel basher