“You better do something right now to turn this ship around”. I knew what to do – Mirror Talk!
Last week I had one of those days when a bunch of issues that weren’t coming together came undone even more. On top of this, I hadn’t been feeling so great for a week and it was beginning to bring me down. The next day I woke up basically dreading the day and well, I’ll leave it to you to guess how that day went.
A voice within me announced, “You better do something right now to turn this ship around”. I knew what to do. I was just being lazy about it. Or more accurately, letting the yetzer hara hold me back from taking action. The answer of course was to communicate to Hashem. However, there are many ways to do this and quite frankly I find some more effective than others.
I have one particular form of communication with Hashem that I sometime use, which I should really be doing every single day. And this is what I knew I should be doing that day last week. It occurred to me to communicate with Hashem in this way after having read Rav Mota Frank’s book, HaSod HaGalui – The Open Secret, where he highlights something that we all know but don’t really internalize. Hashem is within us and that means that we are a lot more powerful than we believe ourselves to be. A LOT more powerful. And we could be leveraging this fact much more than we normally do.
So, after having read this, I put two and two together and began not only talking to Hashem, but to myself as well. The following is what I did last week, and I’ve been shooting for consistency since:
First, I looked through my window into the open sky and said:
Good morning, Hashem. I love You! I just love You! Thank You for another day! Thank You for all of your kindnesses and blessings throughout my entire life. Thank You for giving me another day, another chance, another gift. I love You!
Hashem is within us and that means that we are a lot more powerful than we believe ourselves to be!
Then I looked in the mirror and said:
Good morning Yardena. I love You! I love you! I love you! You have a spark of Hashem inside of you and that means you are forever infused with eternal power, creativity, love, mercy and so much more. That is the most exciting and amazing thing ever!
I forgive myself for anything that I have not done right. And I forgive anyone who has wronged me. I have done the best that i can and I forgive myself.
I am very open and receptive to everything Hashem has for me. I am open and receptive to move any blockages in my life because I love Hashem and since a spark of Him is within me, I love myself. Since I love myself, I want to clear away any negativity and anything else that is not in line with Hashem’s will and flow of blessings.

Good morning, Hashem. I love You! Good morning Yardena. I love You!
I let go of any negativity, guilt, fear, sadness, and physical discomfort. It’s a new day and today, I choose to walk in emuna, love and understanding. I love Hashem, I love myself, and I am deserving of His blessings and good.
I love Hashem. I love life. I love myself.
What I focus on is what Hashem guides me towards.
I am now moving forward, knowing that the Divine within me can take me anywhere I want and resolve any and all issues for the good. Goodbye negativity. Goodbye fear. Hello Divine loving kindness, providence, protection, blessing and abundance.
Thank you, Hashem. I love You; I love You; I love You.
The very next day things started shifting in a very visible way. I’m going to have to save the follow up for another article since I don’t want to go on for too long here. And why the shift, you ask? Because I activated myself. My real self, that is – my inner spiritual power.
The midrash on Song of Songs 5:2 says: “Open up for me an opening like the eye of a needle and in turn I will enlarge it to be an opening through which wagons can enter.” If we take even just a tiny initiative to communicate with God and place him as the only Activator in our life, His response in turn is great and palpable. Try it for yourself and watch what happens.