Hold On! New Beginnings
Meshivat Nefesh #42
No matter what I’ve done, no matter what I’ve been through…the main thing is to begin again now.
And it’s not enough to only begin again only once. The moment I feel bogged down by the past, by whatever wrongs I’ve done, I have to take a deep breath and say, “I’m going to start fresh this minute, as if this is the first breath I’ve ever taken.” Start again, start again…
Rebbe Nachman said that he had days when he had to begin again many times. If that was true of a tzaddik like him…isn’t it true for me too?
Beloved G-d,
You renew the entire universe constantly.
Please fill me with a new spirit of life
so that I can start again now
and leave behind all of my broken promises to myself
and to You.
Please help me begin again…
as many times as it takes!
(Based on Likutey Moharan II:48)