200 Years ago, Reb Noson began printing his Likutey Tefilot. In a letter to his son, Reb Yitzchak, he wrote: “I see that these prayers are a must for all, young and old, and I am printing them for everyone’s benefit.”
He said that many people had already merited Gan Eden with his prayers (Kochvey Or, 25)
It’s both moving and inspiring to read about Reb Noson’s great joy with the printing of each individual prayer. (In Reb Noson’s time, the printing press was small and hand-operated, allowing for only one page to be printed at a time. Years later, with the invention of the lithograph press, several pages could be printed simultaneously.)
What makes these prayers so special is that each person reciting them can identify closely with the message, as if he himself had written the words.
We felt that it was time to reprint The Fiftieth Gate, the English translation of Likutey Tefilot, in a more user-friendly and modern typeset edition. We’re certain that the new edition will find a place of honor in every Jewish library.
However, in order for us to see this project through and make these special prayers available to all, we need your help.
After analyzing the financial requirements, we found that all we need from each individual sponsor is a monthly contribution of $50 for a period of 20 months (totalling $1,000).
Please refer to the chart in this link and choose from the list the prayer that covers the topics that are closest to your heart. Each prayer can be sold only once. (Prayers marked in red have already been taken.)
The cost of most prayers ranges from $1,000 to $1,800, and there are options for larger donations.
Out of a total of 210, there are currently only about 85 prayers still available for your dedication. Don’t hesitate; go into the link and choose the prayers that speak to you in the most precise way!
The new, reformatted edition of The Fiftieth Gate will be printed in four volumes. Each sponsor is eligible, as a partner in the project, to a name dedication, in honor of or in memory of your loved ones, as well as a complete set of the prayers when they are printed (about two years from now, God willing).