Home Faith Our Eternal Bond

Our Eternal Bond

by Yehudis Golshevsky
Our Eternal Bond

Hold On! Torah Joy
Meshivat Nefesh #57

The Jewish people are called an am segulah—a “treasured nation”—but the term segulah really means having some quality that is inherent and not clearly quantifiable.

This name was given to the Jewish people at the giving of the Torah, since it’s really by virtue of the Torah itself that we’re blessed with this segulah quality—to share a unique relationship with the Creator just by virtue of being a part of the people, and the bond is inherent and can always be tapped no matter how dormant and eclipsed it might be temporarily.

This is really the root of the blessing that we make over the Torah—our expression of gratitude for God having “chosen us from among the nations…and given us His Torah.” Our segulah is tied to the segulah of the Torah itself.

Dear Creator,
I am so grateful to You
for having made me a part of the Jewish people.
Every day, I am filled with joy as I bless you
for having provided me with my Jewish spark
and for gifting me with Your Torah.
I don’t understand how I deserved either of these blessings…
but that doesn’t stop me from thanking You for them.
(Likutey Halachot, Hilchot Birchot HaShachar 5:7-8)

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