Reb Noson writes that while all beginnings may be difficult, it’s the completion that is the most difficult to accomplish.
Indeed, bringing any project to the finish line necessitates tremendous patience and much prayer.
But it’s all the more so when we are talking about Reb Noson’s prayers, which not only draw each Jew closer to Hashem, but every person can find themselves in these unique prayers, which, as Reb Noson himself attests, have the power to penetrate the Fiftieth Gate of Holiness.
We would not be ashamed to say and admit that there is no other book in the world that can tap into a person’s heart and inner emotions like Reb Noson’s prayers can!!!
Please take a moment to see the quick video presentation below with Rabbi Moshe Weinberger – head of Kehillat Eish Kodesh – and Rabbi Jonathan Rietti – one of Reb Chaim Kramer’s most devoted students:
We have 30 prayers left from The Fiftieth Gate that still need sponsorship, and we really, really need your help to finish this holy task and deed.
Reb Noson once said that there will come a time when a nation will be created who will pray using these prayers!
This is our last and final call to help us with this project, as we are ready to go – finally – with the printing of these holy prayers.
I sincerely beseech to you, from the bottom of my heart, to grab this last-minute opportunity.
As we mourn the destruction of the Beit Hamikdash, help illuminate the darkness of the world and kindle the light of the tzaddik within yourself!
Gain a genuine portion in the eternal merit of bringing the Redemption closer.
And may we merit to see the true Geula with the coming of our Righteous Redeemer, speedily in our days, amen.
Press HERE to see the last 40 prayers still available for sponsorship.
Tizku L’Mitzot!
Zvi Kramer