“Pathways” is a weekly Torah publication exploring the festivals and parsha, published by BRI. To receive “Pathways” delivered straight to your email box, simply use the sign-up form on the right column of this page.
“Pathways” is a weekly Torah publication exploring the festivals and parsha, published by BRI. To receive “Pathways” delivered straight to your email box, simply use the sign-up form on the right column of this page.
Yossi Katz is the founder and director of Breslov Life. He is the author of "The Rebbe's Shabbos Table"--Rebbe Nachman on the weekly parsha. He served for many years as the US executive director of the Breslov Research Institute, where he wrote many articles including the weekly Pathways on the Parsha publication. He studied in Beth Medrash Gevoha and lives with his wife and beautiful children in Lakewood, NJ.
We in Great Neck have a morning study group at Great Neck Synagogue of about 12- 15 persons. I would like to know if there is a teacher that we can hire and that can provide us with maybe ten lessons, one morning 8:30 to 9:30 AM about R Nachman, and/ or elementary Kaballah-Zohar.
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