One of the first things a person learns when he discovers Rebbe Nachman is…
Rebbe Nachman teaches that life is full of miracles, how do we see them?
If we pay attention and do it right, wearing clothing is a big tikkun…
Don’t allow yourself to fall into the darkness. Understand that this is a critical…
- AdviceShabbatWatchWeekly Torah PortionWisdom
Meir Elkabas – Parshat Re’eh
by Meir Elkabasby Meir ElkabasClick here to read this video as an article
- AdviceReadShabbatWeekly Torah PortionWisdom
The 3 Levels of the Vulture
by Meir Elkabasby Meir ElkabasA significant portion of the discussion focuses on the listing of impure birds. According…
- AdviceFaithLeadersReadShabbatWeekly Torah Portion
The Retroactive Passing of Aharon
by Meir Elkabasby Meir ElkabasIn Parshat Eikev, Chapter 10, verse 6, seems disconnected from the flow of the…
- AdviceFaithLeadersShabbatWatchWeekly Torah Portion
Meir Elkabas – Parshat Eikev
by Meir Elkabasby Meir ElkabasClick here to read this video as an article
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