Parsha Re’eh begins with Re’eh anochi noten lifneichem hayom bracha u’klalah, See, I am…
BRI Women
“…and then [He] fed you with manna, which you did not know, nor did…
“I pleaded with God at that time, saying…” Va’etchanan 3:23 (Deuteronomy 3:23) “A…
In Parshat Devarim, Moshe asks: Eicha, How…How can I carry your troubles and burdens?…
In Parshat Matot the Torah teaches that Moshe Rebbeniu sent the army together with…
In this week’s double Torah portion, Parshat Matot-Masei, we learn of the 42 stations…
- BRI WomenFaithReadShabbatWeekly Torah Portion
Parshat Pinchas: After the Resurrection of the Dead, Who Will Live?
In Parshat Pinchas, the Torah enumerates Pinchas’s genealogy. The Torah traces his genealogy back…
- BRI WomenFaithReadShabbatWeekly Torah Portion
Parshat Chukat: What To Do When You Are Frustrated (Don’t hit a rock!)
In Parsha Chukat the Torah tells us that the Jews demanded water in the…
- BRI WomenFaithReadShabbatWeekly Torah Portion
Parshat Korach: Accepting Other People’s Greatness (and Finding Your Own Greatness in the Process)
In Parsha Korach, the Torah teaches that Korach took himself away from the community…
How do we develop self-esteem? For starters, don’t fall into the grasshopper trap. A grasshopper is not capable of the kind of reflection needed for self-reflection, self-knowledge, and personal growth.