In Parshat Eikev, Chapter 10, verse 6, seems disconnected from the flow of the…
- AdviceFaithLeadersShabbatWatchWeekly Torah Portion
Meir Elkabas – Parshat Eikev
by Meir Elkabasby Meir ElkabasClick here to read this video as an article
- AdviceLeadersReadShabbatWeekly Torah PortionWisdom
Moshe Rabbeinu’s Blemish
by Meir Elkabasby Meir ElkabasMoshe Rabbeinu recaps how he appointed judges for the Jewish people and instructed them…
- FaithLeadersReadShabbatWeekly Torah Portion
Korach’s demise was Honor! – Parshat Korach
by Chaim Freudby Chaim FreudKorach believed that because from him would come great people like Shmuel, then he…
- HistoryLeadersReadShabbatWeekly Torah Portion
The Light of the Crowns
by Meir Elkabasby Meir ElkabasParshat Ki Tisa primarily explores the 40-day aftermath following the receiving of the Ten…
- HistoryLeadersShabbatWatchWeekly Torah Portion
Meir Elkabas – Parshat Ki Tisa
by Meir Elkabasby Meir ElkabasClick here to read this video as an article
- JoyLeadersReadShabbatWeekly Torah Portion
The Joy and Light In Aharon’s Choshen (Breastplate)
by Meir Elkabasby Meir ElkabasIn Parshat Tetzaveh, we delve into the intricate details of the vestments worn by…
- JoyLeadersShabbatWatchWeekly Torah Portion
Meir Elkabas – Parshat Tetzaveh
by Meir Elkabasby Meir ElkabasClick here to read this video as an article
- LeadersRedemptionShabbatWatchWeekly Torah Portion
Meir Elkabas – Parshat Shemos
by Meir Elkabasby Meir ElkabasClick here to read this video as an article
In the coming week, the Hilula (memorial) of Reb Noson of Breslov, the close…
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