Q&A: Unemployment Problems

Q: I have been a follower of R’ Nachman & R’ Nosson’s since becoming observant 25 years ago. Now for the 1st time I find myself practically unemployed and it’s frightening. Are there certain tikuns? Things I should be doing?

Unemployment is frightening. If you haven’t already, make sure to tell Hashem that in your hisbodedus!


Two time-honored responses of Yidden in your situation are to say P’ HaMan daily (except Shabbos), with any or all of the short tefilos that accompany it )before and after) and to still give tzedakkah, albeit in accordance with your current means.

I would also recommend reviewing Rabbeinu zal’s Sefer HaMidos (The Aleph-Bet Book), the chapter on bitachon.

Please send me your name and I’ll do some davening for you also.


kol tuv.

Ozer Bergman